Wednesday, December 30, 2009

{Out for a walk} Always on the look out with my creative eye!

Yesterday I was on a walk with my boy Samson! Everywhere I go, I am constantly looking around at the world and life in front of me....looking at it through the eyes of Olivia Womack :) I may not have my professional camera at my side 24/7, but I usually have my iPhone lol! So I enjoy capturing the visions my blue eyes see, through the best camera I have...the one that's with me MY IPHONE :)

So I saw this really cool location created by a row of arches, and just had to take a picture with Samson as my subject! I don't think he minded at all, for he had a little bit of time to relax and enjoy the view:) Then I spotted these few pink blossoms on this vine.....and this is what I captured!